Act Charitably, Win V20


I have a black leatherbound copy of the 20th anniversary edition of Vampire. It’s my only physical copy. They’re going for between $400-600 on eBay.

I’d like to give it away to someone.

If you’d like to be put into a random grab-bag of possible recipients:

  1. Make a donation to the charity of your choice. I don’t care how much it is; just give. The only stipulation is that it has to be a legitimate charity.
  2. Send me a picture of your receipt or other record of donation. You can post it here or Facebook or Twitter or message me if you’d rather not share it publicly.

On December 1, 2016, I’ll gather the names of everyone who’s made a donation, and draw one random name to whom to send my last copy of V20. I’ll autograph it if you want. I’ll the cover postage, as well.

You don’t have to be an American and you don’t have to give to an American charity. All you have to do is give and let me know.

Please spread the word.

8 thoughts on “Act Charitably, Win V20

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